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1910 results found

  1. Include Life Insurance in " Accounts"

    I would like to include my life insurance clients in accounts, Face Amount, Premium, date issued, etc. and be able to add the cash value as part of the" balance" of all assets.

    31 votes
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  2. Add ability to customize more lists on account level

    I find that often different accounts have different objectives and I want to be able to say so in a manner that lines up with what we must select for LPL but cannot edit this particular list (only the one on the overall contact view). Please allow more customization for this and literally every other part of Redtail.

    12 votes
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  3. conference room availability

    Iif multiple advisors share a single conference room then have a way for us to see quickly (maybe an icon on the activity) that represents the activity taking place in the conference room. Similar to your upcoming feature of telling advisors they have double booked themselves this would tell an advisor that a room is double booked. To make this work properly we would need to be able to add a few set locations that we can easily select (while still having the ability to put in a one time address when appropriate.

    108 votes
    8 comments  ·  Calendar  ·  Admin →
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  4. When adding notes to an Activity, I want a save button where the activity screen stays open so additional information can be added.

    When adding notes to an Activity, I want a save button where the activity screen stays open so additional information can be added. Currently, after clicking save the activity screen automatically closes.

    28 votes
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  5. Automations: Change of Contact Status TO Create/Update Contact Tag Group

    We use MarketingPro for scheduled campaigns to our clients via email. The only way to set groups in MP from RT is to set up tag groups for each campaign. It would be GREAT if there were automations triggered when a Contacts Status is changed to one of our options to automatically trigger them to be added/removed or changed to the specific tag group. This way, our campaigns in MP are always up to date and current to actual contact status.
    Contact Status updated to 'Former Client' triggers the 'Active Client' Tag Group to be removed.
    End Result: They…

    45 votes
    3 comments  ·  Automations  ·  Admin →
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  6. Opportunities on RT Calendar

    It would be great if your assigned opportunities would show up on your RT calendar just like you can choose for your tasks or appointments to show on your calendar. This way you can work the opportunities step as a task for the day, versus having to set up a separate task for each step of the opportunity.

    69 votes
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  7. Confetti when workflows are completed

    A fun suggestion that my office and I had was when someone completed a workflow a little confetti burst came across the screen after you clicked the complete button. It always feels so good to complete a task/workflow that we thought having some confetti fly across the screen would be really fun.

    30 votes
    0 comments  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  8. Add Contact Name to Notification Subject Line

    For new activities: Add name of contact in email subject other than "Redtail CRM: An activity has been updated." This will allow us when viewing the many notifications for daily RT activities to pick and choose which ones to look at or address immediately. If an activity is updated 2 or 3 times, there are 2 or 3 notifications. This is okay but it makes it redundant and not timely to look at most critical activities first. Especially in a busy environment where activities are getting updated and added quite a bit throughout the day.

    90 votes
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  9. Remove Closed Accounts from Reporting Under Account Type

    When you click on accounts and see the graph for what type of accounts make up your client base, the closed accounts are still reflected. This does not depict an accurate picture of our clientele. Including the data skews what type of accounts we should be focusing on for our firm. Please do not include closed account in reporting function. They are closed and should not be considered relevant data to the existing database. However we should not have to delete them entirely because we might have important notes of past history tied to those accounts. Just disable them from…

    75 votes
    11 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  10. RMD Value & Information section

    In the account section, I'd love to have an area specifically for RMD info.

    There is the general info section, which duplicates the issue date (listed in the account dates), the cash value and as of date (which duplicates the account assets balance), face value (which duplicates the coverage info), surrender value and as of date, loan balance, asset rebalance and rebalance frequency. Why can't an RMD info section be added, or the general section modified to include 12/31 year end value, RMD value, a check box for auto RMD, and that type of information? I'd love to be able…

    1,973 votes
    97 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  11. Arrange All Day Activities

    We would like to be able to organize "all day" activities according to our priority (ie most important to get done that day we can put at the top of the day's list)

    76 votes
    8 comments  ·  Activities  ·  Admin →
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  12. custom contact type

    We want to track internal projects by creating a contact for each dept and assigning tasks to it and recording notes for our progress on each task. For example, we have created a Contact Category called "Internal Projects", a contact called "Marketing", then we assigned a task called "Business Card Redesign". So when we meet about this item, we record our notes in a meeting assigned to the attendees and the Marketing contact. Then when anyone wants to see what the Marketing dept has been working on, they can lookup the Marketing contact and see everything in one place. The…

    9 votes
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  13. complete activities from calendar view

    Please return our ability complete activities from calendar view as we had in LeapFrog Legacy.

    110 votes
    7 comments  ·  Activities  ·  Admin →
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  14. Activity Report - Linked Contacts - can sort online but doesn't in PDF

    It would be great if the PDF report could print Linked Contacts alphabetically A to Z. I can sort A to Z online in the report section but when I select PDF it scrambles the names up so what I see on my screen does NOT match printed version. So frustrating!!! Also, if there are 2 linked contacts it prints "2 contacts" and not the names.

    12 votes
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  15. Holdings Report

    Please provide holding name and holding value for custom exports. I know I can run such a report out of my Morningstar Office program but I am finding some differences in values from Morningstar to Redtail. It would be helpful to be able to run this type of custom export to see where problems may exist.

    9 votes
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  16. Seminar Editing

    Seminars: When editing a prior seminar. Return us to that same seminar search after updating. It currently sends us back to Active seminars

    19 votes
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  17. Billable Time Tracking

    I'd like to see a check box "billable" so we can know if the time spent with or on the client was billable. and have a report that we can print/export that would have the clients name, and activity details such as duration, and description

    380 votes
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  18. Team Notice Acknowledgement

    Sometimes a team notice is very important for everyone to see. It would be nice to be able to allow users to acknowledge it so you know when everyone in the office has seen it. Also maybe it should pop-up as a window to dismiss when you first login so you can't miss it.

    17 votes
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  19. Show All Family and Memberships Relationships on the Same Page so that I can track Multiple Generations

    The Family/household page provides a nice tree of relationships for dependents. However, when the other members become clients it creates a conflict and we must move them to a seperate contact or the head of household for children overrides address contact fields. We then must use Memberships page- which has NO easy view.

    I am asking that all relationships show on the family page regardless of dependent status by having a dependent option on setup. The view would be maintained including parents grandparents kids inlaws etc. But contact data could be dependent on head of household or not dependent based…

    1,374 votes
    71 comments  ·  Family  ·  Admin →
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  20. Activities/Tasks on the "Today" page should match the color coding on the "Calendar" page

    Activities/Tasks on the "Today" page should match the color coding on the "Calendar" page

    20 votes
    1 comment  ·  Activities  ·  Admin →
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