Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
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1911 results found
Allow for much longer file names for attachments (i.e., PDF's, docx, etc) in CRM Notes. NONE of our files will link/attach as a result.
Allow for much longer file names for attachments (i.e., PDF's, docx, etc) in CRM Notes. None of our files will link/attach and open as a result. Thanks!
1 vote -
Copy Notes to Spouse's Profile
Have a box we can check that will automatically copy the notes we are saving in the client's profile to their spouse's client notes as well.
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It would be nice to see the category on the Activity. For example, I have created a "Client Meeting Type" and select an "Annual Review Category" that I created. The Category would appear somewhere on the Activity in the calendar view, so I can easily see what meetings my advisors are having.
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Customizing default view of client documents
It would be extremely helpful to be able to change my default settings so that when I'm viewing a client's profile and I click on Documents, it automatically sorts them by recency--that is to say, for it to list the most recent upload on top--without having to click on "date added" every time.
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Workflow step order change
Allow us to shuffle the order of steps in workflows, when a template is used. If we alter the order of the steps when a workflow is created from a template, or add a new step that preceeds a current one, it does not work properly. It reads in the new order, but you must complete the original preceeding step before being allowed to complete the new one. This is very frustrating because even the best created templates need to be altered for specific situations.
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Group workflows together
We need to be able to group workflows. This is because the workflow list can get very long and many of the tasks may be on the backburner. If we could group the workflows, it would make things more organized and readable. Thank you
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Add a Writing Advisor tab to the No Contact (Fiduciary) report
When you go to run the "No Contact (Fiduciary)" report, you can't filter the options by servicing advisor. There is no tab that shows which advisor in your team hasn't had contact with which client for you to run a report on.
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1 vote
Add CompletedByUserId to Activity Index and Activity Show API Endpoints
The Activity Index and Activity Show API Endpoints do not currently include one of the most important attributes of an activity, who completed it. According to support, the only way to get this information is to implement webhooks and track them as they are completed. This does not help for historical activities.
I highly recommend adding CompletedByUserId to the Activity Index and Activity Show API Endpoints. It is invaluable data for your clients. The activity reports native to Redtail already have this field available.
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Calendar should always default to current day/week/month
Calendar should always default back to the current day/week/month. Just like Outlook, Salesforce, etc. When you jump to a different week and then over to a contact record and back to the calendar, it should bring you back to the current day/week/month.
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It would be great if we could change font colors and have the option to highlight in the Notes!
It would be great if we could change font colors and have the option to highlight in the Notes!
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past due items
Can we see about allowing a default view for todays items to include past due items?
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Client Contact Card - Important Information
If there is information entered in the Important Information section of the client's contact card, it would be helpful to have a dialogue box that pops up upon entering into the contact card.
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Add nicknames to the search contact feature
To the "Search Contacts" search bar, add in clients "nickname" to the search feature. If the client goes by something other than their first name, that name needs to be featured in the search contacts function.
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The ability to download all form in linked documents within an activity would be extremely helpful for processing purposes.
A download all documents button within the saved forms section of an activity would be extremely helpful. I find it time consuming when I have to individually download multiple documents from an activity (Sometimes up to 15 or more doc's). As an admin I often have to send documents to multiple places and also upload them to multiple sites. The ability to download all forms from and activity would be so helpful
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For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner
For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner
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For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner
For workflow items, please allow mass change to workflow owner
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user rights
User tickets submitted should be viewable by the database owner.
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Account Access Restriction
There should be a way to restrict access to Client Accounts without impacting a users access to see a client profile. We have employees in the office that do not need to know what a client has invested with our office.
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Updating family section
While originally looking for a way to put a custom alert on someone's record so that when anyone lands on them it reminds them of something? For example for couples getting divorced or people with active POAs. Understanding that you don't have that feature and being told to use the important information section. I think an easier fix that could be very helpful would be if you could update the "family" section to say separating/divorcing/caring for/POA of/ or a field that could be typed in to one of those options it could be more obvious.
1 vote
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