Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
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1910 results found
Dark Mode please asap! @ORION Please consider the health and wellbeing of the humans
Dark mode has several advantages, including: Reduced eye strain: Dark mode can reduce eye strain and fatigue by making it easier for your eyes to adjust from low light to your screen. It can also help with dry eyes. Reduced blue light exposure: Dark mode reduces blue light emissions, which can help you sleep at night. Battery saving: Dark mode can save battery life on devices with OLED screens, which generate light for each pixel individually. Studies show that dark mode can consume up to 90% less energy than light mode. Better for low-light settings: Dark mode is better for…
1 vote -
When broadcasting emails, it should save as client contact category instead of "general information"
1 vote -
spell check within notes
Would be great if a spell and grammer check program could be implemented within the notes. That way you would not have to copy and paste from another source.
4 votes -
"Created By" listing names alphabetically.
When doing an advanced search for "Created By", it would be nice for first or last name to be listed alphabetically.
3 votes -
Two Different Date Fields on Documents
There should be two different date fields on a document - the upload date (which is system generated), and a "Document Date" which the user can select when they upload the document (similar to selecting the category and document title). It would be really helpful to be able to filter based on document date rather than just the date the document was uploaded, especially as we bring in documents from previous CRMs. Right now, we're having to put the document date in the title of the document, which is clunky and time consuming.
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Increase the automatic logout time for Redtail Imaging
Imaging seems to automatically log you off after only a few minutes. Please increase the auto logoff time to at least 30 mins.
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FMG Suite email change
I'm having issues with my FMG. Every time FMG syncs, it goes into the "Notes" section of Redtail and is categorized as "General Information." I need to make sure these notes sync in as "Emails" instead of "General Information".
Also, I have MyRepChat for texts. I would like MyRepChat to be able to automatically sync under a seperate category as well so my Notes section does not get bogged down.
There should be a setting under "integrations" that would allow for specific integrations to automatically sync as certain "Categories" in the Notes section.
3 votes -
Activity Availability
Please create a field with dropdown options for us to identify how activities show up on our calendars, similar to how Outlook does (Free, Working Elsewhere, Tentative, Busy, Out of Office) and have that sync to Outlook.
This helps when creating internal activities that can be moved around if a client wants to schedule at that time, when using scheduling software like Calendly.
3 votes -
Workflow Roles
We are reworking our Workflows and have multiple advisors and multiple support staff. We would like to be able to have one workflow that we use for each person and support person but it seems that we need a copy of each workflow per advisor and then per support person. There is an option to use roles to assign people when creating a workflow but that is not functional right now and roles are limited to advisors and not support people. If there is another way to limit the workflows by advisor and support staff, we are open to it…
1 vote -
UDFs to Trigger Automations
We should be able to use UDFs to trigger automations. For example, if a client has a "Review Date" UDF for a specific part of our business (i.e. Insurance), we should be able to automatically trigger a workflow with target dates set to match the selected date. This would save a TON of time in having to regularly kickoff workflows, and would help keep our activities a lot cleaner because we wouldn't be creating activities to remind ourselves to kick off workflows.
3 votes -
Timeline Reporting
We should be able to run reports on information that is in the Timeline section of a contact card. It would be incredibly helpful to be able to report on when a contact has changed statuses (from a Lead to a Client for example) so that we can determine things like lead conversion rates, time to convert, etc.
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e-mail Filters
Be able to add to an existing filter to right from e-mail via a right from e-mail instead of having to go back in to preferences and then filter to add to the existing filter. Would save a ton of time and be wonderful if could just add from e-mail. Thank you!
1 vote -
Cancelling Activity Option
It would be nice to have a cancelled activity option -- so when clients call in to cancel appointments we can just "save and cancel". So, the activity would then disappear from the calendar but would still remain an activity under the client profile. It would help clean up the calendars so we can see the events/activities that actually occurred that day.
3 votes -
Family Categories and Status
It would be nice if we could specify Categories (e.g. Client, Prospect, etc.) and Status (e.g. Active, Inactive) for Families so that we can quickly identify those when running reports/searches at the Family level, as well as for segmentation purposes.
6 votes -
Issue date in accounts
Under the contact accounts, could we please add the issue date at a glance without having to open each account to see?
3 votes -
removal of Orion Planning from single sign on menu
Enable the ability to remove Orion Planning as a selection on our single sign on menu. That selection appeared recently. I do not believe we did anything to cause that to occur. That product is turned OFF on our Integrations page. I do not want to enable use of that product at our firm.
1 vote -
Reopen Workflow
Re-opening Workflows/Steps once completed. It would be advantageous to provide the option to re-open a completed workflow or step. (Whether by assigning permissions to specific user roles or through the support desk.) Sometimes a step is erroneously marked as complete or an outcome causes the rest of the steps to be skipped and the workflow to be closed out. When this occurs there is not currently an easy option for correcting/recreating the workflow.
3 votes -
Add a column to the accounts view within a contact
We would like to be able to see the mgr/model name from within the accounts inside of a contact. That way we can see the type of account at a glance rather than having to click into each account from within the contact.
3 votes -
Today tab and Things to do today section - Sorting by TYPE
When sorting activities according to TYPE, it should continue to list those with a time of day first, but automatically list them from earliest to latest, not the other way around. Why would I want to see things schedule at the end of the day first on the list? This makes no sense.
3 votes -
Ability to tag team members for notifications
Our team would love the ability to tag each other in tasks/opps/workflows etc so that we collaborate on items and receive a notification when a team member needs input. If we were able to type @ and our team member's name, so that they can be tagged in the description, comment etc that would be EXTREMELY helpful.
3 votes
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