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1910 results found

  1. filter by occupation type

    It would be helpful to pull a report for 'Referral By' by the contact type. For example, instead of listing the name of a CPA, just list 'CPA'. The same could be said for client referrals - once again, instead of the client name, just list 'client'. Furthermore, if it's a referral received from our company website, it would be nice to have 'website' listed.

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  2. Have "Owner" of a Workflow also be the "Assignee" of all Workflow Tasks

    If I am creating a workflow, I can assign the "Owner" of the workflow to a specific user, but there is no way for me to assign the underlying Tasks to that specific user unless I go into each task individually.

    There should be an option within the workflow template to initially assign each task to the workflow owner. This way, I can start a workflow, make a specific user the Owner, then all tasks will be assigned to that owner.

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  3. Change background color of current day on calendar.

    When I open the calendar daily, I would like to see the current day bolded in the background of the calendar box.

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  4. Mobile app - ability to use "Today" tab feature but filter for past due or upcoming items

    Would be great to have the ability to use the "Today" tab but have a filter option to look at past due / upcoming activities too. On the web version there's a hyperlink that takes you to "Open Activities - Past Due" or "Upcoming items". That view helps me visually plan with a to-do like feature that I miss out on in the app. The calendar shows past due but it's not on one running list as it does on the website. It's a delayed per day view on calendar.. Would love a listed out version as it does on…

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  5. Setting preferences for each activity type length

    Setting a preferred length of time for each activity type, ie appointments would be an hour & 15 mins, tasks 15 minutes, phone call 30 minutes, etc. so when setting those tasks it defaults to that amount of time automatically without having to adjust the times from where you clicked on the calendar.

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  6. Show All Activities Yet to be Completed

    Instead of only showing Activities Due Today, allow us to filter the date range for outstanding Activities (past due and xx days in the future) and save that preference, so we don't have to manually go in and filter the results each time.

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  7. Show Workflows and Activities in the Client's Note Section

    Open (and competed) Activities and Workflows should appear in the Notes section of the client's Redtail, rather than only being able to view activities once completed and having to scroll all the way to the bottom to view active workflows.
    We can have the option to filter out the feed, as necessary.

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  8. Clients Since Subject

    When conducting an advanced search with the specific variables, there should be a column option that displays client since. This information is great to have when conducting advanced searches.

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  9. workflow templates

    Have the ability to exclude weekends, holidays (already an option) when making the Workflow. I'd also like to be able to exclude Sundays/holidays only. Saturday's can be good days to make prospect calls or

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  10. Bank Account Type

    Under Bank Account - add a field/checkbox to tell what type of account it is (ie: Checking, Savings, etc.)

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  11. workflow

    Can we have workflows with an option to disregard the target date but be able to have steps be spaced out from each other. For instance, Step 1 is due 1/1 and step 2 is due three days after step 1 is completed. I believe this way it would make it easier to keep track on steps and stay on track for timing if a step has to be pushed back.

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  12. adult children

    We need a Family Tree tab or a section devoted to keeping track of and quickly communicating intergenerational relationships. The membership tab should be renamed/replaced with sections that show dependent (within household) and non-dependent relationships (within family but outside of household).

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  13. Add Ongoing Activities Tab

    Add an Ongoing activities tab for activities that have started but haven't ended yet. Currently, if an activity spans multiple days, it ends up in your "Past Due" Activities.

    An Ongoing activities tab would allow for easier activity organization and efficiency.

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  14. Broadcast email and email addresses

    I often will see a failure on a broadcast email with the notation "no primary email address". There is an email address, I just failed to mark it primary. Why, if there is an email address on the contact card, will it not work in a broadcast email unless it's also marked as primary - it should still work!

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  15. advanced search

    In the advanced search feature, it would be nice to have a way to select multiple "values" instead of creating a new line for each value. For example, if I wanted to search for two contact categories, once I enter "Contact", "Category", "Equal To"; I would then be able to choose both of the categories I want (this would serve as an "AND" function without having to add a separate line).

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  16. automation

    Please add an automation trigger for the following events

    -Writing and/or servicing advisor change
    -Client Category change

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  17. Workflow Templates - Increase Viewable Entries per Page & Ability to Stay on Current Page upon Refresh

    Give option to view more entries per page on Workflow Templates. Currently only able to view 25 & lacks functionality like contacts search has to view (50, 100, or more). Also, give ability to stay on same page when refreshing page instead of redirecting back to page one.

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  18. Add Types of Accounts (Insurance/Investment)

    There are too many insurance fields under an account when we primarily have linked investment accounts. It would help clean things up if we could click "add a new account" and then choose "Investment" or "Insurance" to see different lists of fields.

    Coverage info, BICE info, etc does not apply to our investment accounts, but rep code, systematic transactions in/out, bank of record fields would.

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  19. Link Bank Account to Investment Accounts

    We would love to be able to record which bank accounts in a client record are attached to which investment accounts, and if they are first or third party bank accounts.

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  20. Add Automation Trigger for "Created by User"

    There are several Automation Trigger requests, most, if not all of them are great ideas. Please also add an Automation Trigger for when an Object or Record is "Created by User".
    I specifically want to automate team permissions when a user creates a contact.

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