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1910 results found

  1. Call log integration into Activities or Notes

    Integrate way to log calls from existing Contacts into Activities or Notes section. Prefer to keep it display separately from Notes to not clutter Contact's profile.

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  2. A box in the Misc Information Tab specific for children and grandchildren and their birthdates

    A box in the Misc Information tab specifically to keep information about children/grandchildren and their birthdays. That would be more helpful than their height and weight and smoking section.

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  3. default accounts tab with orion

    When clicking on the account tab with the Orion integration can it be that we choose which account view we want - Orion or Redtail?

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  4. Active workflow tasks assigned based on the role need to reassign those tasks when the person in the role changes.

    When the person assigned to a role changes it is critical that the workflow tasks assigned to that role automatically update to the new person in that role. Right now we have to update all workflow tasks manually when the person in the role changes. Workflows could be so much more useful. Please make this a priority.

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    1 comment  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  5. Undo calendar item move or have movement history

    Currently in week view or day view on the calendar, an activity/task/appointment/etc can be moved with the mouse without having to go in and manually edit the item, this can be very convenient BUT if it is accidentally moved there is no way to know what the original time was. It would be great to have an undo move function, or a way to track the history of the previous time/date of the item.

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  6. Annual Review Checkbox

    Annual Review Check Box - it would be incredibly helpful within appointments or phone calls to have a check box to mark "Annual Review" so that when the activity is completed it updates the annual review date for the client to show completed on the date the activity is completed.

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  7. add a new word to status

    When I go into the account number for a client, there are only four items under status
    1. Open
    2. Closed
    3. Pending
    4. Under review

    I would like to add 5. Annuitized.

    We have quite a few accounts that are listed as open. They do not have a balance as they are annuitized. So if we would look at the account we would see that. We would not need to worry as to why there is no balance attached. It is not closed, but yet it is not opened. Once annuitized nothing further can be done to the account,…

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  8. automation

    Ability to add automation template to send an email when an active client/prospect have an annual review and have a keyword/tag that triggers the automation.

    Specifically, I want to get an email for only active contacts that have the tag "eMoney" on their profile when an "account review appointment" is scheduled.

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  9. Note notification - the note populates the email

    When one receives an email with the subject "Redtail CRM: A new note has been added.", having the note populate the email would be helpful so one does not have to login to see the note.

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  10. Be able to remove account types we don't use

    I am all for clean data. We are creating a Redtail Style Guide right now. The section for how to label accounts is unnecessarily long because we have to list account types we can't delete and mark them 'DO NOT USE'. It also makes navigating to the account type we actually need take longer than it needs to. Please let us clean those up (and any other field where you have undeletable options).

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  11. ability to customize on screen field options shown for advanced search results

    Would like ability to show more information from search results without having to use custom export.

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  12. business contact name

    Under the business name, have a couple lines to put the business owners name and the direct contact person.

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  13. Pin a note feature

    Have the option to pin an important note in the contact record so it can be easily accessable.

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  14. Add a timestamp field to the Contact page so the user can see the last time any update was made to the page

    Add a timestamp field to the Contact page so the user can see the last time any update was made to the page

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  15. Recurring Workflows

    "Workflows" should have the ability to reoccur the same as "activities" do.

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  16. custom dates -

    Activties/Dates - go back to the way "custom range" was before the update, new way is to time consuming - using the report option, takes even more time

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  17. Activity Template - Add checkboxes, fillable PDF style

    I like the idea of an activity template but I have some processes done now on forms that have nice spots to check off things and in activities I cannot do that. I would love a checkbox bulleted list option like in OneNote. I also would love to be able to make some default activity template text not editable and make it obvious where a person needs to fill out their info. I don't want them deleting 'Account Type - ' to put in (on a new account template) IRA. I also wouldn't mind making some boxes or fields required…

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  18. Email distinction for Internal vs. External

    RT captures all email history for anyone with an email listed on the database. However, it has become an issue internally because email rights allow viewing private internal (HR) discussions. This has caused management to remove all employee emails from the RT database, so we can no longer research email history unless it is just between you and the client. This adds to going back in forth with other teammates to confirm if they spoke to a client or followed up on a particular issue. Please create a way to view all external emails, not emails that bear the same…

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  19. Automatically Alert Team Members of Updates and Adjustments

    Anytime you update an activity or create a new one, it gives the option to alert your team or alert specific individuals within your team. I would appreciate having a setting preference that automatically assumes you wish to alert your team. (Example: Set the automation to alert the team every time you create a new activity, even if they are not participants. Or an automation that alerts your team through email to all adjustments you make on contact records and activities.) I think this would mitigate missed steps to alert your team and maintain constant communication within the team.

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  20. Create option to "freeze" the 'all day' row

    Please add the ability to "Freeze" the "all day" row in the calendar so that it holds at the top of the calendar even when scrolling to later times in the day. When scheduling for multiple users later in the day (so that you are unable to see the "all day" row), it is easy to forget when people are out of the office, it's a holiday, people are working from home, etc... If that row were frozen, far fewer scheduling mishaps would occur!!

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