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1910 results found

  1. Link a Contact to a note after it has been Created

    It would be very beneficial to have an option in the action menu of a note to link an additional contact after a note has been made. Currently if one forgets to include that additional contact in the initial making of the note, there is no way to copy that note, with all the comments underneath, to that additional contact without either completely restarting or copying the note and comments individually to that additional contact.
    If it could be the same as linking an account to a note, that would be wonderful!

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  2. Please make it so we can REORDER notes and edit the date of them!

    I often have to add in older notes but there is currently no way to reorder these older notes to appear in the correct order. It would also be helpful to edit the date of the note when I have to add an earlier date at a later time.

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  3. Divorced Couples with Children

    It would be extremely helpful to be able to list minor children under both parents when the parents are divorced. As it is now, it looks as if the father does not have any children (because they are listed under the mother), when in fact he may. This creates frustration when we think we have the information we need and learn we do not.

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  4. Strategic Allocation- Risk Tolerance- Custom field so it is not limited to High, low and moderate

    Please add a custom field so it is not limited to High, low and moderate

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  5. Display database name in header/quicker switch

    Displaying the database name you are using on the header line would be extremely convenient. Currently you need to go into the menu to "switch databases" to see exactly where you are. It would also be helpful to switch between 2 databases quicker.

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  6. Add Keywords/Tags to Activities

    We wish we could add tags or keywords to activities. Right now, we use categories to differentiate between things like client reviews, new account appointments, and processing tasks (RMD, Account Update, etc). For something like an account review, our advisors would like an easy way to note all the topics discussed. Retirement plans, general account review, estate planning, health insurance - these are all topics that may come up in a client review meeting (but not every time). For now they're just adding regular notes and relying on text searches. But if there were a way to add this option…

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  7. email reporting

    Currently, when an email report is exported into a CSV, the report only shows the "Subject", "Attachment", "To", "From", and "Message Date" fields. It would be SUPER SUPER HELPFUL for compliance personnel if the body of the email could be exported into this CSV report as well. That way, we could use the search feature in Excel to do keyword searches in archived emails, and we would have a report that we could save to prove that the searches were done.

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  8. notes and document attachment in workflow

    It would be nice to be able to attach documents when putting in a note in workflow step/task. It would also be nice to see the notes from the general notes page when

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  9. Please add Preferred Email and Phone# as options on the Custom Export Template

    Add the preferred emails and phone numbers as an option to the Custom Export Template.

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  10. checkbox

    Add the ability to use check boxes and drop downs within Activity Templates.

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  11. written agreement area be editable

    Make the written agreements area editable, so that additional agreements/announcements can be added with dates (Trusted Contacts, Form CRS, etc). Sort of a one place to look that compliance requirements are met.

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  12. zoom phone

    RedTail integration with Zoom Phone

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  13. udf

    You should create another field type on the contact level UDF where we could click multiple values rather than just one. Like the "List of Values" field type but rather than only being able to assign one value from the list you could click multiple. We track which clients are invited to marketing events, and some are invited to multiple events each year. Having a multi-choice field type would be very helpful.

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  14. workflow report bulk actions

    Please allow bulk selection/changing/actions on the Workflow Report and Workflow Task report. For example, being able to select multiple and completing them all at once

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  15. SYNC Calendar with Microsoft Exchange

    Please sync the RT calendar with MICROSOFT EXCHANGE & CALENDLY. I was shocked after seeing that you only integrated the RedTail (RT) calendar with Microsoft 365, but not with Microsoft Exchange which I have to believe is the primary 'corporate' calendar many of us use. PLEASE, please link the RT calendar with Microsoft Exchange specifically. We would be so grateful!

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  16. Click and Drag Activity to a Trash can

    It is cumbersome to have to open an activity then delete, when the calendar can have this feature to facilitate a smoother workflow.

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  17. workflows

    It would be nice if we could view workflow tasks like we do activities and have the option to filter by who assigned to and filter dates. I know there is a workflow report but you have to consistently reset the filters and it is not as user friendly.

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  18. trigger events

    The ability to have a trigger event on an activity date. For example I am adding an activity today for something that will happen a year from now. So a year later once its the day of the activity, being able to have a workflow automatically linked would be very helpful.

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  19. add an "as of date" to estimated net worth- this changes!!!

    either add ability to type it after the value-currently only able to enter numbers or have an as of button.

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  20. seperate texts from Client Notes

    Clients texts and Notes should be under separate tabs.
    Together, they push important notes too far down the list.

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