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1911 results found

  1. more than 30 days out

    It would be great to see upcoming activities, that are further out than 30 days, on the client's main screen, instead of having to click on activities. It would give more of an "at a glace" feature, rather than digging deeper to find something. For example, it would be helpful to see upcoming appointments we’ve created an activity for that is more than 30 days out, without clicking on activities.

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  2. actvity search

    A search feature for activities

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  3. Meeting Invite

    Please add a meeting invite feature in the calendar. Currently, my Redtail calendar items automatically export to my Google Calendar. From there, I have to invite meeting attendees. Please add this feature inside of Redtail.

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  4. Activity "Owner" gets notifications via email without being a linked attendee

    As an Activity Owner, bring back that the Owner gets notifications emailed to them when there are updates and also completed. This feature disappeared somehow? (the only way to get updates is to be a linked attendee which can clog up a calendar when I'm giving my assistant a bunch of activities)

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  5. Bulk Actions for Professional Contacts

    It would be nice to add the Bulk Actions ability for Professional Contacts. Examples:

    1) A firm wants to assign a Profession type of "Tax Preparer" to multiple contacts.
    2) The Tax Preparer in step 1 leaves and a firm wants to reassign the "Tax Preparer" profession to another Professional Contact entry.

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  6. Default activities display

    It would be a solid feature to add to activities to have options for past and present. For myself if I could see past due, today and the next 7 days of activities by default, that would be ideal. Thank you.

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  7. Update the email hosting to allow for the ability to send an email over 20mb in size!

    Not being able to send an email over 20mb in the financial and insurance industry is not acceptable. Clients shouldn't have to worry about unzipping files and advisors shouldn't have to learn work arounds. All of my product partners can send me stuff over 20mb.

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  8. Integrate the ability to send a prospective client an electronic data gathering form that then uploads directly into Redtail

    Integrate the ability to send a prospective client an electronic data gathering form that then uploads directly into Redtail upon the prospects completion, thus saving advisors and teams a lot of time. I realize there is an seperate service for this, but we all do not need another piece to add to our tech stack. First CRM to offer this and email hosting allow for over 20mb will get my business as soon as i learn of it.

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  9. Contacts By Professional Contact - Add 'Professional Contact' field to filter

    Add 'Professional Contact' field to filter of 'Contacts By Professional Contact' report. I understand we can use the advanced search function, but it does not display the professional contact on the screen like the 'Contacts By Professional Contact' report.

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  10. save point ability

    I think that creating a "save point" ability to save CRM Contacts would be of great help. We recently went through a data merge with Hubspot in which over 490 records were impacted with incorrect (bad) data. I had to input corrections manually. If we had been able to restore the data back to a previous day save point, we could have saved a lot of the issues.

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  11. Add logo to Summary Reports

    Be able to add/upload our Company Logo to Account Summary Reports

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  12. More Details and Input Options for Annuities

    Able to add more details about the annuities, such as withdrawal reports, annual value updates, etc. Also, there is not option to add a SPIA as an account type.

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  13. Print workflow diagram

    It would be great to physically print the workflow diagram, existing steps and % completion in a pretty way.

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  14. Activities

    Maybe it's just my old eyes but it's difficult to differentiate between completed activities and non-completed activities in the mobile app. Perhaps using color coding as opposed to the faint bold/non bold type to tell the difference?

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  15. Change contact account options from hard coded field to allow me to add an option for your current list

    Remove contact account status from hard coded fields and allow me to add my own options.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Ability to notify when new document is uploaded to client's documents CRM

    As I receive multiple mail for multiple advisors it would be so beneficial to have an option of notifying FA/or whoever that new document was uploaded

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  18. Privacy/permission options for Seminars

    Privacy/permission options for Seminars: Be able to assign permissions to a Seminar to a User or Team so it is not public to entire database.

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  19. Use of "dotphrase" or "smartphrases" throughout Redtail

    A dotphrase is a colloquial term for a preformed block of text that is inserted using keyboard shortcuts, often preceded by a dot. This can be customized for the Organization, Business and Individual.

    SmartPhrases are abbreviations or words used to pull long phrases or paragraphs into a note. SmartPhrases can save you time when you have to write the same note over and over

    Having use of dotphrases/smarphrases throughout Redtail would be incredibly helpful.

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  20. Beneficiary Report

    Under the accounts section, we should be able to add beneficiaries and auto populate their information from people already in the system.

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