Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
Don’t forget to add comments to other ideas to let us know how your firm might use a feature better!
For help with or questions about features and functionality in Redtail CRM, you can contact our support team at or check out our HelpDesk articles on getting started.
1910 results found
Written Agreements Review Addtions
I want to add more customization allowing me add additional forms to that section. My firm needs an OFAC, NAF, and CRS form and I would like to be able to have those dates on my CRM.
23 votes -
comment on completed Workflow steps
Please add the ability to Comment on completed workflow step notes. The Step Notes are great but then sometimes I think of things after completing the step and I cannot edit it. It would be nice to be able to add a Comment like we can add a comment to regular notes on the main client screen.
11 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Add Latest CRS Delivery to the Know Your Client Tab
Please add an input field for Latest CRS Delivery date to the Know Your Client Tab, along with the Latest ADV Delivery and Latest Privacy Policy Delivery date inputs.
78 votes -
Add a tagging feature, "@Advisor" for activities
Add a tagging feature, like how Instagram has a tagging feature in comments to notify a certain user.
Instead of getting a bunch of notifications for an activity that the advisor creates, the advisor can set their notifications off for activities, and once the task is done, operations/clerical can notify the advisor that said task/activity is complete by simply writing in the body of text of the task "@username task is complete" or "@username activity is complete"
8 votes -
update account status
Hello I am one of the administrators for Accelerated Wealth Colorado Springs office. I need the ability to add/or change the Status under the Basic Information "update account" area. As it stands there is only "Open, Closed, pending, and under review". Having only these is not adequate for many situations, for our company. Allowing us to add is what is being requested. Thank you.
7 votes -
BCC in Email History
It would be really nice if when sending an email to clients using BCC these emails show up in the client's email history.
21 votes -
professional contact
It would be great if when you create a Professional Relationship it would also automatically create a Membership between the individuals and/or firms. Ideally it would work the other ways as well - if you create a membership with the type being the same as a Professional Relationship then that would appear under the Professional Relationship tab. This would make it much easier to be able to go to a Professional (i.e., CPA) and see who all their clients are, etc.
46 votes -
Link ALL accounts to an activity with one click
In some cases, such as portfolio reviews, ALL accounts for a client family are involved. It is very cumbersome (and time consuming) to have to click each individual account to link them to an activity. It would be very nice if you could add a "LINK ALL ACCOUNTS" button to the activity link page. Thank you for your consideration!
27 votes -
Add documents to workflows!
We really need to be able to link Documents to workflows. We have several workflows for trades and such that we need to attach spreadsheets to, the way we can on activities. There are a few workflows we haven't built because we can't attach Documents to them like you can to an Activity. This is super frustrating!
143 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Automation Triggers based on Day, Month, Quarter
I have several workflows set up that function as checklists for staff to perform certain tasks. These are grouped by Daily Tasks, Weekly Tasks, Monthly Tasks & Quarterly Tasks.
I'd like to have these configured with automation so that the Daily Tasks workflow is automatically created every day; the weekly every Monday, the Monthly on the first day of every month, and Quarterly on the first day of a calendar quarter.
27 votes -
workflow filter
I filter the workflows to get a list pertaining to me. If i click on one and read it, could the back/return button take me back to the filtered list? Right now it goes back to the unfiltered, full list and i have to re-filter under my name again.
23 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
mark reminders as done
I would really like to be able to dismiss reminders once I have have handled them, instead of seeing them for 3 weeks even thought there done.
5 votes -
Automatically SAVE INPUT and do it WITHOUT CLOSING the activity or note or whatever is beingupdated.
According to this forum, this suggestion (posted in 2016, 2017, 2018) was completed. Funny, since it's our biggest daily problem. We lose data so often that we have to keep a word doc open in the background during the day to enter notes and then find the time to cut and paste to Redtail. Counterproductive? You bet. Keeping notes for our client records is the main reason we purchased RedTail and it's proving less reliable than Outlook Notes. Finding the time at the end of each day to cut and paste into RedTail is ... difficult. so many words came…
34 votes -
Broadcast Email Font capabilities
There should be a way to change the font size within the broadcast email that does not put the font in bold print. Currently when you change the format to a Heading sized font it all is received in bold. It would be useful to have the option to simply change the font size as we send emails to some older clients who need larger font. Ticket number: 1174480
20 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
recurring activities
Just recently Redtail "updated" our RECURRING INTERVALS in ACTIVITIES and took away our choice of recurring on SELECTED weekdays only and our choice of weeks within the month - on anything other than MONTHLY. Example: Every Year on the First Monday of January - or- Every 6 Months on the Third Wednesday - CAN NO LONGER BE A CHOICE. The ability to LEAVE OUT the weekends if we choose should be our choice. BTW - CUSTOM does not have this option either ON MONTHLY OR ANNUALLY. Redtail has always been about customizing for each office and this takes away that…
66 votes -
integration with DocuSign
We use DocuSign to send documents for e signatures. We log into and out of it many times a day. It would be great DocuSign was included in the CRM integration list for ease of access.
49 votes -
"significant other, fiancee
Today's family's are not the "normal family any more. Sometimes people dont get married, haven't gotten married yet, or will never get married but live happily after for years to come. Please add "significant other, fiancee"and any other terms you can think of that describes the 21st century household. How do gay couples call each other? Husband and wife? Even if they are not married yet?
56 votes -
To Do List
Would love to have the ability to keep a running to-do list on the Today page for open-ended items. This would be great for those items that are important but don't have a due date. Would also be nice if a priority level could be assigned and if they could be linked to contacts.
91 votes -
Post completed opportunity to Contact notes
Once an opportunity is marked as closed won or closed lost add the ability to add the whole opportunity into the clients notes
25 votes -
link workflow task to activity
It would be wonderful if you could link an activity to a workflow task. For example, if the workflow task was to update MoneyGuide Pro, your activity linked would document all changes made and what was done. This way it posts individually to the client instead of only posting in notes of the client when the WF is done.
43 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
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