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1911 results found

  1. My Workflow Tasks Page - Task Hyperlink Should Open Task

    When you are on the "My Workflow Tasks" page, you can see of the tasks assigned to you. However, when you click an individual task you are taken to that workflow.

    Instead, the task pop-up screen should appear, so that you can quickly update multiple tasks assigned to you in multiple workflows at one time.

    Seems like how the link would obviously work.

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  2. Create functionality so that an email received by another contact in the database could be linked to a different contact.

    Create a way to link an email from one contact in the database to another. I.e. I have an insurance specialist who sends quotes and emails about my clients. I want to be able to link HIS email to THEIR record for easy reference.

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  3. Search for nearby clients list or map view

    Ex: Agent has to drive 1 hour away for an appointment that will only take 10-15 minutes and would like to make better use of his time, Redtail should have a function that allows Agent to see other clients in that area so that he can attempt to schedule multiple appointments in the same area easily. Now he is able to meet a client for his annual review meeting on his way back rather than driving all the way back out there in 2 weeks"

    It would be nice if Redtail had a way to find other clients that live…

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  4. Opportunity Report - need date range in the filter so I can see when opportunities were opened

    need date range in the filter so I can see when opportunities were opened

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  5. Link Emails to various contacts

    I need the ability to link an outgoing email to multiple contacts and/or opportunities and accounts. I am often emailing an insurance company regarding a client's policy (account). The email doesn't connect to the client because the email is not being sent to them, but it may involve that contact, account or opportunity and need to be recorded in those places.

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  6. I feel that Memberships should be on the Front of the Contact Group page.

    Immediately you would see who is related to who etc. without being under the same family name. i just should more noticeable.

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  7. auto save

    Please autosave anytime the window is closed for any reason, even if going to another task or to client record or.... Please autosave after each line is completed. Please autosave all the time. It is so frustrating to loose work and have to do it over and over, when you are in a busy environment and constantly being pulled to do other things only to find what you just entered into Redtail is gone.

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  8. Automation Triggers based on Day, Month, Quarter

    I have several workflows set up that function as checklists for staff to perform certain tasks. These are grouped by Daily Tasks, Weekly Tasks, Monthly Tasks & Quarterly Tasks.

    I'd like to have these configured with automation so that the Daily Tasks workflow is automatically created every day; the weekly every Monday, the Monthly on the first day of every month, and Quarterly on the first day of a calendar quarter.

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  9. Link ALL accounts to an activity with one click

    In some cases, such as portfolio reviews, ALL accounts for a client family are involved. It is very cumbersome (and time consuming) to have to click each individual account to link them to an activity. It would be very nice if you could add a "LINK ALL ACCOUNTS" button to the activity link page. Thank you for your consideration!

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  10. When putting in a note have the ability to link a workflow

    When adding a note in RedTail it would be very helpful if you could link a workflow to the note at that time similar to how you can set a followup reminder to the note that was added.

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  11. Documents CRM

    Have the capability of linking a document or file to an activity from within the CRM Document storage, it only gives the option of selection documents from outside of Redtail.

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    When setting up the Next Review feature, it seems the option to update to annually on a specific day has disappeared. (Ie. annually on the first Monday of April). I can choose a date for annual review (ie. April 15 can be scheduled for subsequent years), but not the first Monday of April.

    Also, it would be nice to keep the first review (ie. April 15, 2016) and then be able to change it in subsequent years. For example, this year we weren't able to meet until June 1, 2020. Going forward, I want to change it to June 1,…

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  13. Under "Open Activities" Please add a column for the date the activity was made

    Under "Open Activities" Please add a column for the date the activity was made

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  14. Doc viewer within the CRM Doc Storage Page

    Every time I need to view a document in the CRM document storage area I have to download to my computer to open it in Adobe. This causes a duplicate document to be placed in my download file. Redtail needs an embedded viewer on the CRM documents storage area to be able to examine within Redtail.

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  15. be able to choose multiple categories on an activity

    Would like to be able to assign/choose multiple categories for an activity or note. Sometimes more than one category applies.

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  16. Add Contact Roles as options for Custom Exports

    Seems silly that you can't export a list of clients and see who their Advisor, Associate Advisor and CSA are.

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  17. Know Your Client Options

    There are a few categories under Know Your Client. It would be nice if we could add or remove different categories customizing them to our own business. This way we could better keep track of information for our clients. Ex. having a section for beneficiaries and another section for alternative addresses or trusted contacts or having a section for special notes.

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  18. Altruist integration with account opening and importing daily account values

    Altruist has been a great new custodian for RIA advisors. Great to have Redtail/Altruist integration similar to other custodians both with daily account information and possible data sync with clients for new account opening.

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  19. Setting preferences for each activity type length

    Setting a preferred length of time for each activity type, ie appointments would be an hour & 15 mins, tasks 15 minutes, phone call 30 minutes, etc. so when setting those tasks it defaults to that amount of time automatically without having to adjust the times from where you clicked on the calendar.

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  20. Open Workflow steps should be listed as an open Activity- One Place for all Open Items

    I want to manage any open item assigned to me in one place versus going to different sections of the CRM. If I have a workflow step open and needing to be completed, it should be an Activity and be represented in my Past Due, Today or Future Activities along with every other Activity.. It is inefficient to have to open various workflow to find steps I need to complete or looking in different sections of the CRM.

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