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1911 results found

  1. add a new word to status

    When I go into the account number for a client, there are only four items under status
    1. Open
    2. Closed
    3. Pending
    4. Under review

    I would like to add 5. Annuitized.

    We have quite a few accounts that are listed as open. They do not have a balance as they are annuitized. So if we would look at the account we would see that. We would not need to worry as to why there is no balance attached. It is not closed, but yet it is not opened. Once annuitized nothing further can be done to the account,…

    10 votes
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  2. Orion Household Linking for Spouses

    Currently, a contact in RedTail links to the Orion household with matching Tax ID. This is great, except when I try to link spouses to the household. Currently, the spouse would have a separate household. This is not practical since most couples want their assets together. Please look into the additional household members Tax ID being picked up for linking households in addition to the main Tax ID - or maybe there is a way to manually select a household to link a contact to.

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  3. Bulk complete Workflows

    I wish there were an option to bulk complete workflows. There are several abandoned workflows that I want to clean up, but I don't want to delete them. If I were able to complete them in bulk, I would be able to keep a record for compliance and it would be so much more efficient.

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  4. Support Chat Bubble

    The current chat bubble that shows in the bottom right really should be moved to the bottom left so that it's out of the way of being able to see a clients overall account values when looking at the account tab. Currently it blocks the total value and you can't click and move it anywhere else.

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  5. Add email address to Membership Report

    It would be helpful if the membership report would include the email addresses of the members. Since this could be exported and easily used - to send newsletters or e-cards from a different platform.

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  6. move chat bubble

    Can you make the chat bubble moveable so I can move it out of the way of the account balances when looking at the account listing for a client? Having it moveable will allow me to place it in a less obstructive spot.

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  7. Linked Spousal Notes

    When completing notes on a profile that has a linked spouse, it would be really helpful, if there was a "rule" that automatically linked the spouse since most of the notes are joint, instead of having to link an additional contact for every note. More frequently than not, we forgot to add the spouse to the original note so we have to go back and copy notes to the other spouses contact card.

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    Put the page tabs at the top of the activities list as well as at the bottom. Often I know the activity is on page 2 and have to scroll to the bottom to click on that page.

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  9. Contact by Duplicate Name Report in RedTail

    When running the Contact by Duplicates names report in RedTail, clients with the same name but different SSNs and Addresses show as Duplicate clients in RedTail even though they are different people.

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  10. Activities dashboard - Assigned To dropdown

    Please allow selection of more than one option in the Assigned To dropdown. Currently, in the Assigned To dropdown on the Activities dashboard, I can only select one option. So, I can see Everyone, or me, or someone else, but I can't elect to see me AND someone else. Thank you.

    10 votes
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  11. Search by criteria on Activities

    Create a search by criteria on Activities so we can search by name, or a specific word.

    10 votes
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  12. Holdings Report

    Please provide holding name and holding value for custom exports. I know I can run such a report out of my Morningstar Office program but I am finding some differences in values from Morningstar to Redtail. It would be helpful to be able to run this type of custom export to see where problems may exist.

    9 votes
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  13. custom contact type

    We want to track internal projects by creating a contact for each dept and assigning tasks to it and recording notes for our progress on each task. For example, we have created a Contact Category called "Internal Projects", a contact called "Marketing", then we assigned a task called "Business Card Redesign". So when we meet about this item, we record our notes in a meeting assigned to the attendees and the Marketing contact. Then when anyone wants to see what the Marketing dept has been working on, they can lookup the Marketing contact and see everything in one place. The…

    9 votes
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  14. On the automation Templates would like to see the Category added. So that an activity will be automatically generated from type of category

    Automate by category- Can we put in an automatic activity that will auto generate on a clients account by what category they are in? Like AAA , AA, A, B, C or Deceased. So once a clients category is changed it should automatically set up the auto activities for that client. Also when we change client category to closed/deceased could an automatic activity generate to close all activities on client?

    9 votes
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  15. notes from outlook to redtail

    We would love to see any Notes placed into Outlook be synced to the Notes section in Redtail via Retriever for Tailwag app.

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  16. udf layout customization

    It would be great to be able to customize the UDF section layout as well as add collapsable areas for specific info.

    ex - a collapsible area titled RMD's with the fields being 2019, 2020, 2021 etc.

    ex - A collapsible area titled IRA contributions with the fields being 2019, 2020, 2021 etc.

    The titled area would be able to be named and edited

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  17. Scan a document into notes section using the app

    I would like a scan function in the app, so when I am handed a document or take notes by hand on the road I can go to a client's note section in the app and scan it in.

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  18. rider report

    Can we add a filter where we can pull a report with all of the riders listed? I know we have one with the rider reminders, but can we pull one where it lists the client's names, accounts, and riders?

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  19. Add Keywords/Tags to Activities

    We wish we could add tags or keywords to activities. Right now, we use categories to differentiate between things like client reviews, new account appointments, and processing tasks (RMD, Account Update, etc). For something like an account review, our advisors would like an easy way to note all the topics discussed. Retirement plans, general account review, estate planning, health insurance - these are all topics that may come up in a client review meeting (but not every time). For now they're just adding regular notes and relying on text searches. But if there were a way to add this option…

    9 votes
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  20. Account UDF

    When creating a UDF with the list of values, it would be great to have the ability to create an "other" option with an editable field (even if small limited in characters)

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