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1910 results found

  1. Color code tasks from the Dashboard, not just the Calendar

    I would like to be able to see a color code based on my own input on the dashboard for my activities that day. (not just on the calendar)
    For example: if I have multiple trade sheets to process, I can make them all one color, easy to find and complete at the same time.
    Another example is tasks for calling clients, so those types of tasks are easy to find and do together after I have color coded them.

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  2. link notes to workflow

    It would be super helpful if you could link a note to another note (instead of just adding a comment to a note) when a note is related to a previously written note. It would also be super useful to be able to link an existing note to a workflow (or activity or opportunity. I know you can add a new note for activities and opportunities, but I don't believe you can add an existing note). Like, say the Advisor has a conversation with a client about a distribution request and makes a note in redtail about the request. Then…

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  3. Redtail Mobile App 3.0+ View Household Members

    When going to visit clients we like to ask how the family is doing. While on the road we like to review the clients info so that we better know our client when we walk in the door. Names are important for us so If we can view household members and link them to a contact record that would finally allow us to move from Outlook notes to being fully covered with just the RedTail mobile app. I know there are similar ideas out there but with the new mobile app update I wanted to iterate how knowing our client…

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  4. Attaching an email to a client record (without the client email address included)

    The ability to attach an email to a client record (for which the client is not part of the thread) would be extremely helpful, instead of copying and pasting into notes.

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  5. Outlook integration

    The integration with Outlook gets worse not better. Retriever is not getting support and the cloud integration does not work well.

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  6. Account Rider

    In the section called Rider under accounts, can a field be added for yearly income. Accounts can have income rider that have a face amount but they also have the yearly income a client would get if the rider was turned on. Also can we add an option for if the rider is turned on or off.

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  7. Redtail Scheduling

    Just like you guys have Redtail imaging it would be nice to have Redtail scheduling! An integration where clients can go to our websites, or we can send links out via email to schedule appointments. Either a phone call or in office appointment. Client can see set times and dates available and they pick what they want. They can even leave a note about what they want to talk about in their appointment. System would send out a reminder email to the client the day before. Client could also cancel from the reminder email with a reason. It would be…

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  8. DST Vision Integration

    I know and saw someone suggested this in the past, but you guys really should do an integration with DST Vision.

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  9. permissions and roles

    Ability to Edit Roles and add new Roles to fit team descriptions closer.

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  10. Moving Driver's License under Contact Details

    Make it so that the Drivers License Information is stored under Contact Details with their Social Security Number. During Tax Season this would be a big help so we can at a glance see if we need to update their information

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  11. Zoom Phone Integration

    It would be nice to have Zoom Phone integrate with Redtail. Examples might include click-to-call from the contact page, updating contact record when a call is made or received, etc...

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  12. allow for ALL membership codes to be customized, edited or deleted

    Why does there need to be "default" membership codes. it make it confusing and cumbersome, please allow for the entire list to be customized.

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  13. Red is a distressing color, please allow alternative colors like blue.

    I know this may seem trite, BUT stop using the color red/gray and/or allow other color alternatives to the template. I left your CRM because it's red and distracting and stressful to look at all day. As humans, we are conditioned that the color red is bad, or we should beware. It's stressful to look at red. Please allow us to customize the colors, it isn't that hard to code. Drab gray and red are terrible colors to look at all day. I only came back because I was forced to because of your integration options which connect with my…

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  14. Add "Start Date" and "Date Previous Step Completed" as Step Due Anchors

    I think it would be useful to add the workflow start date as well as when the previous step was completed as reference points for when steps are due. This would add flexibility to anchor when a step is due to days from the start date of the workflow, or from when the previous step was completed. Some steps are better anchored to start date, while others are better anchored to target date.

    Many times, steps take longer than anticipated, and the existing workflow structure is not accommodating to this. Additionally, only having "target date" as an anchor for when…

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  15. life Insurance Information

    We should be able to put all information concerning a Life Insurance Policy into our CRM. Face Amount, Issue Date, Premium, Death Benefit, Beneficiaries, Rating.

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  16. From Workflow to Workflow

    When a workflow is done, being able to set up an automation to detect when a workflow is done and assign another workflow to the client(s).

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  17. Populate calendar with annual review based on Effective date or Issue date

    Most of our clients have multiple accounts. Each account has a different effective date, and therefor a different annual review date. Currently, we can only put in a review date for the client itself. Annual reviews are critical for annuity clients. I recommend that a calendar population based on 1 year from the effective date be automatically posted to the calendar. They are more important than birthdays, which can be automated through a partner site.

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  18. Contact Record Opportunities

    It would be nice if you were able to tell that a client was associated with an opportunity from their main contact landing page. It would alleviate the necessity to pull up the opportunities sub-tab under each contact individually.

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  19. Link Emails to various contacts

    I need the ability to link an outgoing email to multiple contacts and/or opportunities and accounts. I am often emailing an insurance company regarding a client's policy (account). The email doesn't connect to the client because the email is not being sent to them, but it may involve that contact, account or opportunity and need to be recorded in those places.

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  20. Connect Activities & Notes to an Opportunity

    Any Activity, Note, or Email should be able to be simultaneously linked to an Opportunity in addition to being linked to a contact and/or Account. Notes inside an opportunity do not automatically link to the corresponding contact(s) and Vice Versa. It is as if Notes inside an Opportunity are hidden within the Opportunity. All Notes and Activities related to a contact should be visible in the contact view, but only the activities and Notes related to the Opportunity should show inside the Opportunity view. This would gather all email communications, notes and activites (past and future) related to that Opportunity…

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