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1910 results found

  1. Workflow - Linked Accounts

    Workflows - subject details to include account numbers:
    We are setting up workflows to trigger based off of account numbers and account types. Workflows on contact level or when you run the workflow report currently do not show the account number. This is an issue if there are more than one workflows triggered at once. Yyou would then have to click into the workflow to see notes or details or rely to where you are within the workflow which is not great. There should be a way for the account number to show within the subject of each workflow once…

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    8 comments  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  2. If conditions true options in automation

    Love to see more options in the "If...conditions true" lists.. such as:

    Category = (A, A+, B etc)
    Date of birth is equal to, greater than, less than

    So much more can be done with these automations!!

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  3. When printing contact notes the font is too small. Please increase or give option to change

    When printing contact notes the font is too small. Please increase or give option to change

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  4. Right Click on Calendar Activities to Open them in a new Tab

    When viewing the calendar in day or week view, it would be great to be able to right click on a specific appointment and open that Activity in a new tab. This way we can keep the calendar view up and uninterrupted, but also be able to view the details of the activity by simply taking us a to a new tab.

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  5. My Workflow Tasks Page - Task Hyperlink Should Open Task

    When you are on the "My Workflow Tasks" page, you can see of the tasks assigned to you. However, when you click an individual task you are taken to that workflow.

    Instead, the task pop-up screen should appear, so that you can quickly update multiple tasks assigned to you in multiple workflows at one time.

    Seems like how the link would obviously work.

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    1 comment  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  6. adding images to emails

    There should be a way to insert an image into an email without having to save it as a URL first

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  7. Copy Roles selection to the Spouse in a new contact

    Now that you can select Roles in the Contact Add Screen, could the system copy those Roles to the spouses record, if they are also setup in the same screen? I noticed that Permissions copy over, but the Roles did not.

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  8. Multiple Attachments to Broadcast Emails

    We should be able to attach multiple files to a broadcast email. Please! Thank you!

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  9. Expand Conditions for Automating Permissions / Roles

    Currently, you can automate Permissions when a contact is added for users and teams.
    Now that Roles can also be also be assigned during the contact creation process, this should also be an Automation Condition option.
    For example, when a new Prospect is entered in the system, if a user forgets to assign the Permissions / Roles, then they can be automatically assigned based on the Servicing/Writing advisor conditions.

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  10. Advanced Search Contact Status Operand - Please add "Contains" it will make searching SOO much easier

    Advanced Search Contact Status Operand - Please add "Contains" it will make searching SOO much easier. For example I want to search for Clients, we have several client - type this would make it much easier.

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  11. Notes are NOT saved when an activity is accessed by multiple users!!!

    We have multiple users and if by change two users access the same activity, only the notes, edits/changes are saved by the person that hits save first. If the both user can not enter while another user is accessing the activity then an alter MUST pop-up to signify this is a "READ ONLY" because IMPORTANT records are being lost and have been for years because we have been given the run around about the cause of this being anything but the simply truth!!!

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  12. "Estimated Tax Information" customization

    We would like to be able to customize the "Estimated Tax Information" box in Redtail on a contact record. We would like to add a line for things like "Ordinary Income" and "Taxable Income" and take out "Estimated Taxes." This way we can run more robust reports on tax information.

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  13. Financial Planning Tab in Clients

    I would love to see the addition of a Financial Planning tab under the contact record. It would be a summary page of where a client is. It may have things like whether they have a will or not, when that will was done, when we last asked about the will to make sure it is reflects current wishes. It would have places for outside accounts or insurance policies (for a placeholder for accounts we don't have downloading in and won't mess up our AUM numbers). It can be any current contributions strategy or withdrawal strategy or have places to…

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  14. 37 votes

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    1 comment  ·  Calendar  ·  Admin →
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  15. highlight sections of notes or descriptions in the activity...this is a very important feature that needs to be added

    highlight sections of notes or descriptions in the activity...this is a very important feature

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  16. Set Roles when Creating new Contact

    When adding a new contact, we can set the permissions (which is a great addition, thank you!) but you can't set the roles without going into the contact page. It would be useful to be able to set the roles there in the create screen because we have workflows that automate when a new contact is added. Right now they default to one person, because if the workflow automates and the roles aren't set, it assigns to no one. If the roles are set in the contact creation screen the the workflow could be assigned to the appropriate person based…

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  17. Email reminders for when activities are due

    When activities that were scheduled in advance come due, the creator of the activity should be able to get a reminder email sent to their inbox to notify them. Similar to a calendar reminder on your calendar for an appointment, activities should provide an outside reminder to an email.

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    3 comments  ·  Activities  ·  Admin →
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  18. 425 votes

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  19. add a household portfolio balance option

    When a client is married you should have the option to see the household portfolio balance not just the individual portfolio balance on the main screen.

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  20. Notes to head of household automatically copy to spouse's contact

    It would be nice to have notes automatically post to the head of household's spouse with having to "copy to another contact".

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