Redtail CRM
Welcome to our official Redtail CRM feedback forum!
Do you have an idea? Do you recognize a good idea when you see one?
Use the Categories to indicate what part of the CRM your change request refers to, and browse the ideas of fellow CRM users to vote on requests that will impact your business.
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1910 results found
Add automation trigger based on COMPLETION, allowing delayed activity assignment as action
Automation triggered by COMPLETION of certain activities/events. For example: The completion of a client review triggers an activity for a user 75 days later. The newly created activity is a task to call/email that client for their next review. The current method (creation of activity) does not account for delays and reschedules.
45 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Link Account to Multiple Contacts
I would like to be able to link accounts to multiple contacts. Joint accounts, also trust accounts where the trustees may or may not be a part of the same household. It would also be nice for the purpose of linking a power of attorney to an account.
104 votesRedtail has read this suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
automation trigger for advisor change
It would be helpful if automations could trigger upon a change of servicing or writing advisor.
98 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Memberships - Titles, Phone #s and email
When viewing the memberships of businesses and our plan clients it would be helpful if we could see their title, phone number and email on the membership screen instead of having to click on each member....or maybe just a pop up box with the same info when you roll over the name. Thanks.
19 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
filter notes by user in contact
While in a contact's record, I'd like to have the ability to filter notes by user. We have a team that services each contact, so multiple people enter notes. I'd like an easier way to find notes I made for a particular client that doesn't require me to run a report.
25 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Automation templates & recurring workflows
Please add the ability to automate templates based on time periods/dates. Right now, templates can automatically be applied based on certain actions (i.e. adding new clients). It would be a tremendous help to have the ability to set templates to automatically run every quarter (or other time frame). For example, I run a client invoicing template every quarter and the process can be automated by applying this template automatically each quarter.
536 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
customizing columns in accounts overview
It would be helpful to be able to customize the column heading choices and column widths with one standard setup rather than having to individually customize them with each client.
7 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
146 votes
The suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
add opportunity tracking to seminar management
Opportunity tracking built into seminar management, or even the ability to link an opportunity in the opportunity tracker to a specific seminar would be extremely useful and powerful in tracking efforts within our existing client base.
29 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Allow customization of "Servicing Advisor" and "Writing Advisor" terms
We are a wealth management firm that is not an RIA. We do not have sub-advisors, nor do we use the terminology "writing advisor" (this confuses everyone).
It would be great to customize how we refer to the team members who are bringing in business and managing each client relationship. We might decide to call them "Relationship Manager" and "Sales Manager" for example.
81 votes -
HTML Email Tracking
Users would like the ability to track whether emails were opened or how often they are opened through HTML tracking.
Similar to the reports you can get when using constant contact about who has opened an email.
67 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Show note comments on timeline
Comments on notes should show up on the timeline - they are typically important updates on previous items.
331 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
synchronize wedding anniversary
Should only have to add wedding anniversary to either husband or wife record and see it synchronized without having to manually add it to both.
61 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Add an Estate Planning Tab
Add an Estate planning section under KNOW YOUR CLIENT with the following sub sections
1. Health Care directives - yes or no
2. A durable power of attorney - yes or no
3. A Will - name of will
4. A living Trust - Name of trust and date of trust103 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Laser App - Head of House info populate for spouse
Currently if I access Laser App under a spouse because it is paperwork for her new account, Laser App will NOT let me select her husband for a beneficiary form or the second of a Joint Ownership. The way it works now, I HAVE to access Laser App under the "FAMILY HEAD" and then keep switching to spouse and back to family head for the different fields I want to populate. It would be very helpful to have the ability to populate with any family member information as needed whether I have accessed Laser App under the Family Head or…
166 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Estimated Tax Information
Estimated Tax Information is Very Nice to update and refer with clients, but is missing the most important field when it comes to income tax planning, a "Taxable Income" field because how can we tell a client by how much they are into the current marginal tax bracket or how much additional income they can earn at that bracket current tax bracket before going into a higher bracket without knowing where they are in the current bracket!!!! Without this number, we cannot give tax planning advice to our clients. PLEASE ADD THIS FIELD!!!
7 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Age Based Triggers
I would really love to see the option for triggers based on age/birthdates. As advisors, many important financial events have age based triggers: RMDs, full retirement age, age 59 1/2, etc. To have a workflow or checklist automatically assigned when a client reaches specific milestones would be hugely helpful.
873 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Create a spot on the client contact screen to blotter checks received.
It would be handy for compliance purposes and commission reconciliation to have a report of checks received per month/per advisor.
19 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Add Additional Fields to the Client Review Section
The Client Review section is lacking. For compliance purposes, advisers need to track when the contact the clients for meetings. Please add the following fields in the Client Review Section:
1. Date Last Met
2. Date Last Contacted
3. Preferred Meeting Place
4. Preferred Contact Method348 votesThe suggestion may be planned, but there is no timeline on this feature being added. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
Have the beneficiary report be customizable
Let us build our own beneficiary report. I.E. show account balance or do not show account balance. Show account number, or show partial account number. Show closed accounts or do not show closed accounts.
18 votesRedtail’s Product Owner has read the suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps.
This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!
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