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1911 results found

  1. Incoming email meeting requests are not automatically added to the Redtail sync calendar in Outlook. Publicize any workaround for this.

    I would like my calendar to sync without any manual adjustments. Currently the Outlook desktop application adds meeting requests that are emailed to me to the DEFAULT OUTLOOK calendar. It would be nice to be able to change this default calendar or for the Retriever Cloud sync to sync with Outlook's default calendar instead of the "sync" calendar that Retriever Cloud creates s a separate Outlook calendar.

    13 votes
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  2. Notify teammates of past due workflow

    Because workflows can easily become past due and fall off the radar, as they do not continue to pop up after they're past due, it would be great to have a feature that we could notify a teammate of a workflow sitting unattended.

    13 votes
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  3. LPL uses OnceHub

    LPL uses OnceHub for linked calendar booking. It would be nice to have it integrated to RedTail. OnceHub only has Salesforce and InfusionSoft currently.

    13 votes
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  4. Uncomplete Notes Removed

    When someone completes and activity and then uncompletes the activity the note generated saying it was completed is not removed from the contacts notes. This creates a false signal to team that task was done within notes not to mention duplicate notes of the activity being completed when done.

    13 votes
    0 comments  ·  Notes  ·  Admin →
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  5. 13 votes
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  6. client review date

    Add a Last Review date option in the know your client section. Also have on the top bar of the clients page where it shows Next Review, Last Activity etc Have an area that show Last Review Done and be able to print a list of clients by last review date. If we can't easily track this info and access it for compliance uses the date base is not useful if we can't get this information easily.

    13 votes
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  7. Add Alerts Feature to Dashboard

    There should be a place where you can go to see recent updates on your activities so you can take action. We get emails, but there are so many in number that they can get lost. What if it's added to the notification bell or something that way it is less likely to be missed.

    13 votes
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  8. jeremiaht

    Having a separate login/pswd combination for the support site is asinine.

    13 votes
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  9. Mask client account numbers

    Mask client account numbers, or give an option to hide it. This is a confidentiality issue.

    12 votes
    0 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  10. make the advanced search options editable like they used to be

    We used to be able to edit the fields (like backspace or type in) in the advanced search. For example, contact category.
    We could use the operand "begins with" and type "client" since our categories are (client - A, client - B, etc.) and it would pull all clients.

    Now we have to do a separate search for each category (4) just to pull a list of our clients.

    12 votes
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  11. filter workflow replorts by Step

    I would like to filter the Workflow Report by Step as well as template. Once I chose the template I want to search for, I would like to be able to sort by step so that I can easily find all of a specific workflow that's on a specific step. I can sort by that right now but when you have 10 pages, it only sorts the current page, not the whole of the report.


    12 votes
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  12. Activity Report - Linked Contacts - can sort online but doesn't in PDF

    It would be great if the PDF report could print Linked Contacts alphabetically A to Z. I can sort A to Z online in the report section but when I select PDF it scrambles the names up so what I see on my screen does NOT match printed version. So frustrating!!! Also, if there are 2 linked contacts it prints "2 contacts" and not the names.

    12 votes
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  13. Add ability to customize more lists on account level

    I find that often different accounts have different objectives and I want to be able to say so in a manner that lines up with what we must select for LPL but cannot edit this particular list (only the one on the overall contact view). Please allow more customization for this and literally every other part of Redtail.

    12 votes
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  14. automation opportunity - Change stage updates contact status

    Using the Opportunities section is tedious. To help reduce all the manual inputs, when an Opportunity Stage is changed to Closed-LOST, have the system update the contacts Status to the appropriate category. It would also be helpful to have lost inactive. It would be great if, stage changed to WON, trigger automation to update contact status to client.

    12 votes
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  15. Sort Accounts & Assets by Balance

    We would like the ability to sort by balance in two areas:

    1) Contact Level - To sort accts within a contact from highest (at top) to lowest value.
    2) Account Level - To sort assets within an acct from highest (at top) to lowest value.

    12 votes
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  16. tax bracket

    The CFP Board and many states require Financial planners to collect Net worth, tax bracket and income for all clients before advising them. When I am audited by the state, I am required to provide them with a list of all my clients and these items. Redtail has the Estimated tax bracket field, but it doesn't allow us to run a report on this field. It would be helpful to be able to pull this info since its easy to remember to put in there. Right now I have to add a UDF and reinput all the info in the…

    12 votes
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  17. notes report filter

    Please add the ability to also filter the type of activity. We can filter the category (review, acct notes, general, etc) but not specific activities. I would like to have a report where I can see the notes that may relate to the review category but only want notes for the appointment activity and not see notes for phone calls and others. I can run an activity report but the only notes that show there are anything entered in the description box, not any notes that have been attached.

    12 votes
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  18. Sort Seminars by Date of Seminar

    Seminars are sorting by date added, not the date of the seminar when choosing a seminar from a contact.

    12 votes
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  19. Account Rider

    In the section called Rider under accounts, can a field be added for yearly income. Accounts can have income rider that have a face amount but they also have the yearly income a client would get if the rider was turned on. Also can we add an option for if the rider is turned on or off.

    12 votes
    1 comment  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  20. when searching texts in notes, search completed activities as well.

    When searching texts in notes, search notes within completed activities as well.

    12 votes
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