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1910 results found

  1. Create a wedding anniversary report - similar to the Birthday Report except for Wedding anniversary

    I want to start sending nnivesary cards. A report like birthday report that shows anniversary date instead of birthday would be helpful. Make a quick list of all people with anniversairy in month of May, June, etc., and click anniversary report instead of having to create a custom report.

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  2. Add ability to search email *content,* not just subject lines

    Redtail archives all of our firm's email communications with clients, but it does not make that information searchable (beyond the Subject line, which is not very useful). While I can search my own emails within my email client, I cannot effectively search for other users' communications.

    EXAMPLE: If I need to know if Client A was sent document Z by anyone in our firm, I'd have to ask each user to search their own email client and/or manually review every single email archived in Redtail.

    Redtail should also make the message content (including attachments... or at least attachment file names)…

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  3. Have the Timeline Link Directly to Acitivities

    When I'm checking on the timeline, I can see my coworkers edited an activity, but since it doesn't specify to whom the activity is for, I don't always know where to find it. If I could click the activities in the timeline and have it link directly to the activity page, that would save me a lot of headaches.

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  4. Save an Email Template directly from Broadcast Email drafting window

    If you create a Broadcast Email without first going through Email Templates, you have to re-create all of your work if you accidentally click away from the drafting window or need to change the recipients. Since there is no "Save Draft" option in Broadcast Emails, please allow users to at least save their work from the drafting window as a template for later editing and re-use.

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  5. Link email to notes/activities

    We already have the option to link accounts, contacts, and notes to activities. It would be nice to be able to link client email's to a note or activity to link information/completion of tasks.

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  6. Notes Report

    It would be helpful if we could print the Notes Report for a specific account for a client. Ex. If a client wants to talk about their IRA, we have to print a Note Report that includes all notes for all accounts, which requires us to search through the report to highlight the notes for the IRA if the client has multiple accounts.

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  7. 431 votes

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  8. client since

    automatically put the date of "client since" the date they were entered into RT as a client. have an edit option in case it needs to be changed

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  9. Add a "Call History" log similar to "Email History"

    Add a log for phone calls that can have an associated client, sound (call recording) file, description, and time and date. It would be nice to have this set up on the contact overview page so that an overly filtered report or search wouldn't need to be done every time. This would be especially useful to have on hand when a client calls so that no matter which team member or employee answers, they can quickly and efficiently see all phone communication with the client.

    Integrations with providers like RingCentral could be added to help pull the calls into the…

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  10. Update Repeat Options for Recurring Activities

    Standard repeat options are missing.

    For REPEATS MONTHLY, specifically when you choose "Repeats Monthly ON" you are given the choices of FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH LAST and the days of the week. In addition to the days of the week, you should also have the option of DAY and WEEKDAY. Which would allow you to setup these types of repeating schedules; FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH, FIRST WEEKDAY OF THE MONTH, LAST DAY OF THE MONTH, LAST WEEKDAY OF THE MONTH.

    For REPEATS YEARLY, you should have the same options.

    These are standard recurring/repeating calendar options on most all other…

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  11. Search Notes by linked account number

    Redtail allows multiple account numbers in Notes' account number field. It would be useful to be able to use that linked field when using the Search box when in a contact's notes view. Right now that Notes search function only looks in the note's text field. It would improve functionality and usefulness if the Notes search box also looked in the linked account field.

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  12. @mention for Note User Notification in Alerts Bell

    While notes do allow for email notifications to users, a CRM notification that would appear at the top of the bag by the bell would be much more useful. This would reduce steps (opening email, clicking on a link that requires an additional login), and would work better with integrations.

    We currently use the jive integration to log client calls, but there is no way to link a user from there.

    It sounds childish to request, but something along the lines of an "@" feature would be perfect.

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  13. Need a spot to add beneficiary info without creating beneficiary as a contact.

    I want to add client beneficiary information without having the beneficiary as a contact in the CRM. Include a section in "Know Your Client" to add beneficiary name, DOB, SS#, address, etc.

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  14. Activity Privacy Options- change default from Everyone or allow users to change default

    The new Activity Privacy Option defaults to Everyone. Few if any databases are going to want Everyone to see activities or to see colored blocks on their calendar marked Private. That means thousands and thousands of changes to activity privacy display. INSTEAD, change the default to Only Attendees, OR, allow users to change their default.

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  15. Make the sub-Contact lists "movable"...especially Memberships

    I am constantly going into Memberships and would like to be able to get to it a little quicker than having to go to "more" and then drop down the list. The ability to rearrange those Contact choices would be great.

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  16. Tag Group and and Client Lists - Data Export and Printing Options

    Looking for a way to export (to Excel or text) and print the client list so that I can see all the Tag Groups and to which each client is assigned to. This feature would be very helpful in both current client management and new client setup. I would like to be able to look at this data in various ways and to print checklists by Tag Group and client. Thank you!

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  17. Accounts should show the Title: Eg. John Paul and Sue Johns Joint TOD

    Accounts should show the Title: Eg. John Paul and Sue Johns Joint TOD so that each account that pulls from your feed wether its DST Vision or Albridge Solutions etc that it will show who the owner is and how it is titled, along with another with this all showing on the Reports. Right now we pull up RT or a Report of accounts and there is no ownership designation so could be an IRA or NQ or Joint we wouldn't know... Please have this viewable in RT and on the reports.

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    22 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  18. Tracking maiden names and name changes.

    A long-time client gets married, you make the changes in Redtail, but you know them by their previous name. It would be helpful to have a way to pull them by their maiden names, without having to hyphenate it for the sake of being able to pull it. A way to link a maiden name, that is no longer a legal name, to the new married name.

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  19. Opportunity Tracker: Bulk Actions

    It would be a great feature to be able to select multiple opportunities via a checkbox next to the open opportunity and then select a Bulk Action after you've selected. Imagine having 21 open opportunities that are all named "schedule appointment". You could select all 21 and select a bulk action email report. Or at least open the feature to select multiple opportunities and then be able to "send to search". Then from the search report be able to select the contact records you'd like in your Bulk Action. I think this feature for opportunities would be a fantastic idea.…

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  20. Workflow email notification when current step due.

    In notification preferences, add an option to receive an email notification when a Workflow task is due & uncompleted.

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