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1910 results found

  1. Show note comments on timeline

    Comments on notes should show up on the timeline - they are typically important updates on previous items.


    331 votes
    10 comments  ·  Timeline  ·  Admin →
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  2. Task list

    I would like to be able to have a running task list on the right hand side of the calendar screen so I can keep track of tasks that don't necessarily need done on a certain date. Similar to a note pad or something like that!

    105 votes
    6 comments  ·  Calendar  ·  Admin →
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  3. Allow the option for automations to trigger on the scheduled date of activities rather than on the date of their creation

    Currently if you want to set up an automation that triggers by an added activity the only option is to have the automation complete when the activity is initially created. With this system it is impossible to set an automation up for a future date.

    I suggest that an option is made for automations to be triggered on the scheduled date of an activity as opposed to only allowing the automation to occur when the activity is initially created.

    83 votes
    6 comments  ·  Automations  ·  Admin →
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  4. birthday reminder

    It would be nice to turn off the enable birthday reminders system-wide so only those clients you definitely want to wish happy birthday can be reminded. As of now you can bulk remove, but all new contacts added are automatically checked. It would also be nice to have an automation template that would email a certain person/team a day or two before a birthday call was required. So, "if enable birthday reminder is checked" then "email user/team".

    28 votes
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  5. add a designated beneficiary area for beneficiary information.

    Memberships isn't good enough. Adding beneficiaries to individual accounts is too time consuming. What I'm surprised Redtail doesn't offer is a designated area for beneficiary information (like a tab under Know Your Client). For our office, beneficiaries usually are the same across all accounts, minus a couple here and there. It would be nice if we had a specific region that would have the following:

    Beneficiary Name
    Beneficiary Type (Primary, Contingent, etc)
    Date of Birth
    Social Security Number

    As well as, a place to add accounts manually AND link accounts, not one or the other. It would be…

    117 votes
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  6. Age Based Triggers

    I would really love to see the option for triggers based on age/birthdates. As advisors, many important financial events have age based triggers: RMDs, full retirement age, age 59 1/2, etc. To have a workflow or checklist automatically assigned when a client reaches specific milestones would be hugely helpful.

    873 votes
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  7. Offer a check box or option for "Per Stirpes" in the beneficiary box under the accounts.

    Allow acknowledgement of a "per stirpes" designation for each beneficiary. Then if that box is checked have an additional area pop up that will allow to put the per stirpes recipients names if they are known.

    54 votes
    3 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  8. 146 votes
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  9. Edit/customize account information fields within an account type

    Right now the fields within different account types are set, and not always pertaining to applicable features within certain registrations/ investments. Would be nice if the administrator could add/ edit/ remove account specs from the within a specific account type to match what our office would like to see when viewing certain types of accounts in Redtail. For example: just on the account type Variable Annuity, we want a death benefit option to be a list of riders we frequently use or Return of Principal, but it only gives us the options of Level, Increasing, Automatic or Decreasing which only…

    24 votes
    1 comment  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  10. Integrate With TRELLO

    Can you integrate with TRELLO in some way?? There is a FREE version and a BUSINESS version. This would COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE task management, office management, workflows... TRELLO is colorful, highly functional, super easy to use, and totally customizable.

    61 votes
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  11. Link Account to Multiple Contacts

    I would like to be able to link accounts to multiple contacts. Joint accounts, also trust accounts where the trustees may or may not be a part of the same household. It would also be nice for the purpose of linking a power of attorney to an account.

    104 votes
    8 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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    Redtail has read this suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!

  12. Please add "Non-Qualified" and "Non-Qualified Joint" to the drop down menu, for when tax qual. box is NOT checked.

    The drop down menu is active even when the "tax qualified" box is not checked. It therefore should include options for "Non-Qualified" and "Non-Qualified Joint." We should not have the sole options of using "other," or simply leaving this field blank.

    26 votes
    0 comments  ·  Activities  ·  Admin →
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  13. Contact Details - Add Retired/Retiring As Of Option

    In financial industry advise offered to clients may differ based on whether they are retired, on the verge of retiring or have many years left to work.

    It would be helpful/useful to money managers / planners to Add Retired/Retiring As Of Option with a drop down to select a date so this information can be entered when the client is created. This would greatly increase the functionality of searching contacts without having to manually assign this options as a keyword or tag group as it may be overlooked.

    37 votes
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  14. automation trigger for advisor change

    It would be helpful if automations could trigger upon a change of servicing or writing advisor.

    98 votes
    5 comments  ·  Automations  ·  Admin →
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  15. One Click Copy to Clipboard

    In other industries I've used CRMs where I could click on address or phone for instance to copy to my clipboard for easy pasting elsewhere.

    27 votes
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    Please allow customization here. Please add the ability for us to change the fields or add a field. Specifically Objective to "Portfolio Model".

    38 votes
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  17. beneficiaries

    Create a standard report that list all beneficiaries for all accounts and policies. Or, at at a minimum, enable the ability to create an export report that list all beneficiaries for all accounts and policies.

    57 votes
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  18. calendar scroll

    In month view I prefer to have the current week near the top so I can see last week and the next few weeks. Near the end of the month I can't see what's coming up. Thanks

    35 votes
    3 comments  ·  Calendar  ·  Admin →
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  19. Allow customization of "Servicing Advisor" and "Writing Advisor" terms

    We are a wealth management firm that is not an RIA. We do not have sub-advisors, nor do we use the terminology "writing advisor" (this confuses everyone).

    It would be great to customize how we refer to the team members who are bringing in business and managing each client relationship. We might decide to call them "Relationship Manager" and "Sales Manager" for example.

    81 votes
    Received  ·  9 comments  ·  Contact Record  ·  Admin →
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  20. Laser App - Head of House info populate for spouse

    Currently if I access Laser App under a spouse because it is paperwork for her new account, Laser App will NOT let me select her husband for a beneficiary form or the second of a Joint Ownership. The way it works now, I HAVE to access Laser App under the "FAMILY HEAD" and then keep switching to spouse and back to family head for the different fields I want to populate. It would be very helpful to have the ability to populate with any family member information as needed whether I have accessed Laser App under the Family Head or…

    166 votes
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