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1910 results found

  1. Account Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon Fields

    It would be nice if the fields under an Account for Investment Objective, Time Horizon, and Risk Tolerance could match up with those of my BD new account forms. Currently only the Investment Objective list can be modified in RT. Could you make it so we could modify the lists for Risk Tolerance and Time Horizon as well thus creating a list of choices that match up with those of our respective BDs?

    292 votes
    23 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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  2. Notification when ID expires

    Since we put in the expiration dates of client's IDs, a notification of each expiration (e.g. 30 days prior) would be appreciated. This way we could update it the next time we communicate with the client.

    114 votes
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  3. Activity Completed Trigger

    Please add "activity completed" as a trigger for automation templates.

    276 votes
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  4. Search Notes by linked account number

    Redtail allows multiple account numbers in Notes' account number field. It would be useful to be able to use that linked field when using the Search box when in a contact's notes view. Right now that Notes search function only looks in the note's text field. It would improve functionality and usefulness if the Notes search box also looked in the linked account field.

    39 votes
    1 comment  ·  Notes  ·  Admin →
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  5. Edit 'Outcomes' in Workflows tool

    I've found that once you create an Outcome in the Workflow template, it can only be deleted, not edited. It would be helpful for this to be corrected.

    157 votes
    8 comments  ·  Workflows  ·  Admin →
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  6. Assign Activity to Team

    I would like to be able to assign an activity to a team, instead of only being able to assign activities to users.

    This works well for reassigning tasks and roles while individuals are out or unavailable.

    For instance Joe Smith (JS) handles all of our client paperwork. Jane Doe (JD) is the paraplanner in the office. I have created a team: "Client Service - JS". Joe Smith is currently the only member of that team. I would like to be able to assign activities (like processing client paperwork) to Client Service - JS. If Joe Smith decides to leave…

    173 votes
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  7. Quicklists-"BEGINS WITH" sort feature does NOT work.

    When you I request the database to return a field that "Begins With" it doesn't currently work.

    ie: Contact - Status - Begins With - "Client" - will ONLY bring up "Client" and not the additional statuses we have set up such as: "Client-Spouse", "Client-CB Family/Friend", nor "Client-Child of Client".
    This is a very basic database feature and it was functioning in the previous version of Redtail. Please fix this! :)

    15 votes
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  8. Make ALL Fields Searchable in the Advanced Search

    If the fields are there, they should be searchable so that we can sort our data how we need to. I know it's a lot of work, but it would make Redtail so much more usable for marketing and servicing clients.

    Primary Phone
    Primary Email
    Preferred (is phone, is email, is address, is empty, is not empty, etc.)
    Account Renewal Date

    218 votes
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  9. Custom Trigger Events

    To expand on a few of the other suggestions, it would be helpful to have more Trigger Event options in the Automation function. The ability to customize the Trigger Events would be really helpful as well.

    203 votes
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  10. client since

    automatically put the date of "client since" the date they were entered into RT as a client. have an edit option in case it needs to be changed

    23 votes
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  11. Automation templates & recurring workflows

    Please add the ability to automate templates based on time periods/dates. Right now, templates can automatically be applied based on certain actions (i.e. adding new clients). It would be a tremendous help to have the ability to set templates to automatically run every quarter (or other time frame). For example, I run a client invoicing template every quarter and the process can be automated by applying this template automatically each quarter.

    536 votes
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  12. Opportunity Tracker: Bulk Actions

    It would be a great feature to be able to select multiple opportunities via a checkbox next to the open opportunity and then select a Bulk Action after you've selected. Imagine having 21 open opportunities that are all named "schedule appointment". You could select all 21 and select a bulk action email report. Or at least open the feature to select multiple opportunities and then be able to "send to search". Then from the search report be able to select the contact records you'd like in your Bulk Action. I think this feature for opportunities would be a fantastic idea.…

    41 votes
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  13. Membership

    Allow me to add a membership the way I would add a spouse under a family-if the contact doesn't already exist, allow me to create it from that drop down. Currently, if the contact does not exist, I need to leave the page, go create a contact and then add it to membership. There are SO many steps-please work to alleviate steps in all processes.

    51 votes
    2 comments  ·  Memberships  ·  Admin →
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  14. Non-Qualified

    Please add a check box for Non-Qualified and a tag that says Non-Qualified. That way when I'm looking at an account, I don't have to double check that I missed the Tax Qualified box. Also, it would be good for pulling reports.

    53 votes
    3 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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    Redtail has read this suggestion and there is some internal discussion needed in order to determine next steps. This suggestion is remaining open and can continue to gather votes and comments!

  15. Notes Report

    It would be helpful if we could print the Notes Report for a specific account for a client. Ex. If a client wants to talk about their IRA, we have to print a Note Report that includes all notes for all accounts, which requires us to search through the report to highlight the notes for the IRA if the client has multiple accounts.

    10 votes
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  16. Triggers

    It would be exponentially helpful to expand triggers to include options related to office processes! (ie, 'appointment completed', certain activity added to a calendar, workflows). This would create a lot of efficiency through automating those processes, versus the automation related to data that is currently offered.

    251 votes
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  17. Workflow email notification when current step due.

    In notification preferences, add an option to receive an email notification when a Workflow task is due & uncompleted.

    48 votes
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  18. default values for every field

    Kindly enhance the system where i can setup default values for many of the fields For example, if i want a particular team to be given access or notified most of the time, I should be able set that as a default instead of selecting the same every time i create a task or opportunity. Ability to select defaults should be provide to most if not ALL fields.

    104 votes
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  19. Make the sub-Contact lists "movable"...especially Memberships

    I am constantly going into Memberships and would like to be able to get to it a little quicker than having to go to "more" and then drop down the list. The ability to rearrange those Contact choices would be great.

    22 votes
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  20. Please add search feature to Beneficiary

    Beneficiary information needs to become a searchable field along with the auto population of DOB and SS#. This would save time when updating forms and reviewing beneficiaries.

    46 votes
    3 comments  ·  Accounts  ·  Admin →
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